International Alert: Rwanda & DRC
Designed and implemented a participatory gender and conflict sensitivity analysis to understand the main drivers of conflict and gender dynamics in the areas where the Access to Justice (AtJ) cross-border project is implemented. The objective was to conduct an integrated intersectional analysis, covering not only conflict sensitivity and gender, but also age and social class, among other factors. Further it identified the gender-specific and contextual barriers that limit access to justice and how different target groups within society are and provided recommendations to help integrate gender, social inclusion and conflict sensitivity into all programmatic activities, as well as operations.
Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO): Multi-country
Designed and implemented a MTR of the SEE Clean Cooking programme. It drew lessons learned and provided strategic recommendations for the remaining implementation period of the programme and for potential future or follow-up interventions. TI placed a strong emphasis on the learning dimension to ensure not only accountability, but also to enable learning and ownership of possible adjustments. The scope of the MTR included Burkina Faso, Kenya, Mali, Uganda and Niger for the African Biodigester Component (ABC), as well as Bangladesh, Cambodia, Uganda and Ethiopia for the Higher Tier Cooking Component (HTCC).
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Global
Conducted a review to assess the relevance, efficiency & effectiveness of the International Aid Transparency Initiative of the Dutch MFA. The review assessed the IATI publication by MFA, the publication guidelines for partners (incl. support), the way in which this information is used by various stakeholders including the DGIS, and the communication about it with partners and the public at large.
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Global
Designed and implemented the final evaluation of the strategic partnership of MFA with DCAF. The evaluation documented experiences, lessons learned and provided recommendations on the coherence and added value of the strategic partnership, in which sub-components were brought together under one framework for the first time.
Irish Aid through SEND: Sierra Leone
Conducted an assessment of the More than a Women project, a project which aims to empower women and achieve gender equality. TI further guided SEND and Irish Aid in improving strategic focus and knowledge, as well as provided concrete recommendations and actions for the project’s future.
Irma Specht supported UNICEF and the Government of DRC with the review of alternative care systems for conflict affected children and Children Formally Associated with Armed Groups (CAAFAG). She further supported, with Ibrahim Sinan, the redesign of the DRC national database on CAFAAG and conflict affected children.
EU/Turkish Government through WEGlobal: Turkey
Supported the NEET-Pro project, a project on youth that are neither in education nor in employment. Organised a workshop to translate research recommendations into Actionable Policy Recommendations (APRs), for staff from the Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR).
International Alert: DRC/Rwanda
Conducted a baseline study to inform the International Alert’s project: ‘’Improving access to justice for peace and stability in the Great Lakes region/ regional project Uhaki Bila Mipaka’’. The project aimed to facilitate access to justice for vulnerable people and to help improve access to justice for people living in cross-border areas in order to reduce tensions and strengthen stability in the Great Lakes region.
Irma Specht supported MONUSCO to design an Information, Counselling and Referral Service (ICRS) system for the implementation of the P-DDRCS in Tanganyika. This included a mapping of existing services for referral and support to the design of the tailormade software by the database specialist. Further, extensive training was provided to P-DDRCS staff.
Delegation of the European Union to Burundi: Great Lakes Region
Implemented a three-year EU funded project to strengthen the capacities of the Expanded Joint Verification Mechanism (EJVM) of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (CIRGL). The objective was to strengthen the capacity of the EJVM to contribute to the creation of conducive conditions to security, stability and development in the Great Lakes Region. Over 20 trainings, partnership building and coaching will be provided.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Kenya
Conducted a Third Party Monitoring (TPM) & Data Quality Assessments (DQA) of programmes under the grant instrument “Policy Framework for Strengthening Civil Society (SCS)”.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Mozambique
Conducted a mid-term review of the third phase of the AIAS project (AIAS PO75). The project aimed to improve access to sustainable water and sanitation services in secondary towns in Mozambique.
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: multi-country
Conducted the mid-term review of the Nexus Skills and Jobs Programme by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Nexus Skills and Jobs programme is a delegated budget for embassies to support (additional) training and work/income for young men and women.
Clingendael Institute: Global
Conducted the mid-term review of the Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law (KPSRL). KPSRL was established by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to strengthen the evidence base for security and rule of law (SRoL) policies and programmes. KPSRL is managed by a consortium comprised of the Clingendael Institute’s Conflict Research Unit, Saferworld, and the International Development Law Organisation (IDLO).
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Burkina Faso
Conducted the mid-term evaluation of the Fish Farming for Food Security Project (PESA) in Burkina Faso. The PESA project aims to promote the development of the fish farming value chain, focusing not only on food security but also on employment and entrepreneurship for young people and women in Burkina Faso.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Mozambique
Conducted the end evaluation of the second phase of the Institutional Support Programme to FIPAG (Water Asset Holding and Investment Fund). The programme started in 2011, focused on capacity building, institutional development, improving operational efficiency and expanding service to the low-income population through a partnership with FIPAG that focused on strengthening the water supply services in cities.
WNCB Alliance/Hivos: Global
Conducted and facilitated a participatory mid-term review of the global Work: No Child’s Business (WNCB) Programme. This mid-term review was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The WNCB aims to ensure that children and youth are free from child labour and enjoy their rights to quality education and (future) decent work.
UNDP: Sierra Leone
Supported UNDP in the development of a proposal for the Peace building Fund (PBF) on Empowering Bike Riders as Sustainable agents of Peace, in Sierra Leone.
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Netherlands/global
Designed and executed the evaluation of the strategic partnership between the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and five NGOs, whose work centres on peacebuilding and conflict prevention themes. This evaluation reviewed if the strategic funding and partnership model, adds value an instrument for the MFA, as well as for the partners in question.
UNDP/SSU: Democratic Republic of Congo
Irma Specht, the director of TI, provided technical assistance to the government of DRC, on behalf of the UN-system, in collecting comments from across the UN system, liaise with donors, and the drafting the new national strategy on Disarmament, Demobilisation, Community Reintegration and Stabilisation (P-DDRCS).
Irma Specht, the director of TI, redrafted the UNDP global guidance note on Livelihoods and Economic Recovery (LER) for fragile and crisis affected contexts.
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Netherlands
Conducted an evaluation of the Dutch national SDG implementation, with a focus on the governance structure and collaboration between stakeholders.
Read the full article here
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Global
Undertook, in partnership with Transtec, the final evaluation of the Leading from the South programme, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. The objectives of this meta-evaluation was to gain insight into the extent to which the main goals of this policy framework and the LFS women’s funds have been achieved in 67 countries.
Insight Source Center (ISC): Yemen
Supported and gave guidance to ISC, a Yemini development think-and-action tank, in their execution of a peace and conflict assessment for CARE International.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: DRC
Conducted the final evaluation of the FARM project in DRC. The goal of the project was to build a more efficient, inclusive and resilient market-based environment, contributing to food security and stability. The overall objectives of the evaluation were to assess the achievements of the project, its (potential) impact, and to draw lessons. The focus was on the contribution of the project to stability in the Great Lakes Region and the conflict-sensitivity of the implementation of the project.
APEFE: Rwanda
Undertook the final evaluation of the Workplace Learning Support Programme in Rwanda. The goal of the programme was to provide inclusive and equitable quality alternance training, accessible to young Rwandan women and men, that corresponds to the needs of the growing Rwandan economy. The evaluation focused on the piloting of workplace learning courses in the three supported sectors: food processing, beauty and fashion.
UNDP/ SSDDRC: South Sudan
Established a baseline through a multi-sector assessment for the new DDR programme, design of methodology, training of 80 researchers to cover all states of South Sudan and drafting the final report. The purpose of the baseline and assessment was to provide a clear understanding of the specific issues, themes and requirements for a successful reinsertion and reintegration of programme plan.
UNDP: Sudan
Conducted the final evaluation of Community Security and Stabilisation Programme (C2SP). The overall objective of this external evaluation was to assess the C2SP activity and the results achieved from 2015 to 2020, towards meeting the overall objectives of the programme. The focus was on generating lessons and to provide recommendations for future programming in Sudan.
IGAD: Somalia
Conducted a conflict sensitivity analysis, a baseline and strategies for mainstreaming cross-cutting issues for IGAD’s project: “Support to Effective Peace Building and State Building in Somalia”. TI undertook extensive research throughout Somalia to inform project-focused conflict analysis, stakeholder mapping and the baseline against the project’s indicators. Consequently, TI revised the project document, targets were set and a validation process with IGAD, ADA and the EU was facilitated.
IOM: Iraq
Assessment on the drivers of militarisation and development of project strategy and targeting tools, which focused on the reduction of militarisation in Tal Afar, Iraq.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Mali
Conducted an evaluation, in partnership with Transtec, to assess the Strengthening Value Chains of Onions and Fish Programme, which aims to support two strategic sectors due to their economic importance and their contribution to the Mali’s food and nutritional security.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Mozambique
Conducted an evaluation, in partnership with Transtec, to assess the AIAS programme, which aims to manage the water and sanitation infrastructure and to enable and support operators in (secondary) urban water supply and sanitation systems.
Implemented, in collaboration with FAO, WFP and UNICEF, and the Ministry of Social Affairs (MINAS), the design and undertook a conflict scan in the Kinshasa neighbourhood Nsele. The analyses meant to determine the modalities of cash-transfer assistance to vulnerable populations.
Conducted two context and conflict analyses to scope and design potential programmatic responses in relation to the self-demobilised or surrendered combatants and their wider communities in the Kasai and Tanganyika in DRC. The design work will inform DFIDs next call for proposals and inform MONUSCO.
Oxfam: Gender Transformative Resilience
Designed and undertook research on the linkages between gender justice, gender transformation and resilient development for Oxfam. This applied research sheds light on the significant advances of Oxfam’s Framework for Resilient Development and explores areas for improvement in scaling-up gender-transformative resilient development programming and is based on data-collection with Oxfam staff in Cuba, Bangladesh, Senegal and Ghana.
NERI: Nigeria
Provided, in collaboration with NERI, capacity development support including training on violent extremism research, for staff and associates from the Centre for Study of Violent Extremism (CSVE). This included support to CSVE to: develop and implement of a research proposal focusing on the impact of Violent Extremism upon Women and Children, in Borno and Yobe States; develop a resource mobilisation and communications plan, and facilitate a regional roundtable for key stakeholders on the impact of activities of Violent Extremist Organisations on Women and Children in Borno and Yobe States.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Great Lakes
Designed and facilitated a one-year peer-monitoring process of three large Netherlands funded projects namely: Water4Virunga, Farm and Maji Ya Amani. The facilitated peer monitoring aimed to assist the EKN and the project partners in monitoring progress, and to learn from each other. TI also assisted the three consortia in finalising high-quality results frameworks and M&E strategies.
Designed the exit strategy for the Consortium for Integrated Stabilisation and Peace in Eastern DRC (CISPE). The Exit Strategy build on the achievements and results of CISPE as well as on the buy-in of its multiple stakeholders, to ensure the durability of the program’s interventions beyond its end date. The Exit strategy also guided the implementation of concrete activities to be carried out during the third year, and informed the design of CISPE 2.
War Child: Democratic Republic of Congo
Designed a new global reintegration model for Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG), based on TIs Community Based Reintegration and Security model, adapted to the needs of children and War Child UKs priorities. TI provided training and technical advisory support for the implementation and testing of Community-based Reintegration pilot of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG) in the DRC.
UNDP: Darfur
Designed and undertook a conflict analyses in the five states of Darfur, with strong gender dimensions, to inform programming of the multi-donor Darfur Community Peace and Stability Peace Fund (DCPSF).
UNDP: Syria
Undertook an analysis of conditions for IDP and refugee returns in Syria, assessing the environment of return, focusing particularly on the current economic, social and community security conditions of return.
IOM: Iraq
Designed and undertook research and consequently designed a strategy for IOM Iraq to reverse trends of militarisation in Tal Afar, prevent recruitment/alignment with armed groups and forces, and to promote reintegration of former combatants. TI also designed contextualised tools for the targeting of ‘at risk’ communities and vulnerable individuals and trained IOM staff and partners in Tal Afar on these.
Folke Bernadette Academy: DRC
Facilitated, following the mappings in Masisi, the design of 3 local Community Based Reintegration and Community Violence Reduction (CBR/CVR) plans. The participatory plans are designed for the Biiri, Kibabi and Matanta groupements of the Masisi territory in DRC.
UNESCO: Cameroon and global
Supported UNESCO with the design of a global concept note on UNESCOs potential contributions to DDR and especially reintegration programming. TI supported the creation of an Interagency Working Group on DDR (IAWGDDR) and drafted concept notes for potential funding on communication, technical education and training assessments, an interagency preparatory phase and a joint ILO/FAO and UNESCO proposal on economic reintegration of people coming out of Boko Haram and out of the conflict in the anglophone areas.
Undertook a country-wide assessment of push and pull factors of child association with armed groups and forces in Iraq. Following the development of a strategy for the reintegration of children and young people associated with armed actors, TI was consequently contracted by UNICEF to set up and prepare for the implementation of two Community Based Reintegration and Security (CBRS) pilots in Karbala and Najaf; to develop and support rehabilitation activities and interventions for children and young people who have played an active role in IS or are accused of affiliation with the group and are in detention; to support the provision of rehabilitation and reintegration support to children and young people who have been rescued from captivity by IS, mainly focusing on the Yezidi community, and to strengthen prevention efforts in Halabja governorate, Iraq.
MINUSCA: Central African Republic
Supported MINUSCA in the development of a national CVR strategy to support stabilisation and improve security and protection of civilians in CAR. The strategy was drafted based on field assessments and broad consultation with national and international stakeholders.
Designed and conducted an evaluation to assess the extent to which Justice for children system reforms in Sudan during the period 2006-2016 have contributed to the protection of children in contact with law as victims, witnesses and alleged offenders. The evaluation included a review of the extent to which there is a reduction of the deprivation of liberty for children in conflict with the law, an increase in the use of diversion from the judicial process, the impact of the Family and Child Protection Units, the success of the national policy revision and development, and the sustainability of services for children in contact with the law.
UNICEF: Bangladesh
Designed and implemented a training and capacity development initiative aimed at increasing the capacity of the Child Protection (CP) and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) frontline workers currently responding to the Rohingya crisis in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The training and capacity development programme comprised a multi-step modular training that included integrated Foundation Training and Applied Training on CP and GBV in emergencies, Training on Caring for Child Survivors of Sexual Abuse, Training of Trainers and the Post-Training Mentoring Support Plan. Altogether 146 frontline workers from 36 organisations participated in the nine different trainings.
UNICEF: Jordan
Produced a comprehensive situation analysis on radicalisation and the association of Jordanian and Syrian adolescents in Jordan with groups promoting the use of violence. Consequently, TI developed a strategy for UNICEF to guide the work of UNICEF in support of the Government of Jordan in reducing the risks of radicalisation and association of children with armed actors.
Peace Nexus: Niger
Supported a local team in their study of the topic of gender and peacebuilding in Niger, in order to advise la Haute Autorité à la Consolidation de la Paix (HACP)’s strategy on the matter. This activity is part of the Swiss foundation PeaceNexus support to HACP. TI designed the tools and met executives from HACP as well as relevant stakeholders based in the capital. An inception report was delivered and additional support provided during the research.
CDA Consulting: The Democratic Republic of Congo
Undertook a transitional review of a judiciary anti-corruption project in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The transitional review aimed to generate a series of options for sustaining the Network that will enable it to continue its long-term work fighting corruption in the Justice sector. TI realised the review and orchestrated a three weeks field mission to ensure a participative process associating as much as possible the network members. TI met with network members, legal professionals, international and local organisations, officials as well as organised two workshops. TI provided CDA with a comprehensive diagnostic of the Network and generated four options for it future and a detailed debriefing in Kinshasa. TI is engaged in sustaining judiciary efforts to ensure the population access a free and qualitative justice.
IOM: Chad
Designed the methodology and trained IOM staff members and partners on how to conduct a socio-economic opportunity mapping for the reintegration of IDPs. Subsequently, IOM conducted a mapping aimed at identifying socio-economic opportunities in the south of Chad and TI provided remote support.
UNOPS: The Democratic Republic of Congo
Conducted a review of the humanitarian assistance in DRC between 2006 and 2016. The objective was to identify corrective measures and understand the most appropriate ways to implement humanitarian assistance in a complex and prolonged crisis such as in DR Congo. Methods included Key Informant Interviews, surveys and the Most Significant Change among 2200 respondents in Kinshasa and four provinces in Eastern DRC.
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands: Rwanda
Undertook a one-year contract to design and implement innovative measures to facilitate peer monitoring of three large consortia working on stabilisation and peacebuilding through investment in access to water, markets, land and food security. The programmes covered DRC, Uganda and Rwanda.
MINUSCA: Central African Republic
Undertook a mid-term review of the MINUSCA pre-DDR efforts in CAR, using among others, the Most Significant Change (MSC) methodology, extensive field visits and an online survey.
VNG International: Burundi
Conducted a baseline study for a new 5-year programme of VNG International in Burundi. This project aims to strengthen the capacity of local governments in 8 pilot communities to come to more inclusive and equal decision making on local level. TI ensured the overall coordination and quality control of the Gender and Conflict study and the baseline study itself, and conducted a risk analysis, a political economy analysis and developed a security plan for VNG staff in Burundi.
IOM: Central African Republic
Conducted a final evaluation of a Community Violence Reduction (CVR) pilot project implemented by IOM in the Central African Republic. The project supported the economic and social reintegration of armed groups’ elements not eligible for the national DDR programme, as well as vulnerable people in 10 hotspot locations. The evaluation provided recommendations on the way forward and the exit strategy, including lessons learned from this pilot intervention that can be used in future CVR interventions in CAR and elsewhere. The evaluation also explored the link between DDR and CVR and considered if and how these types of interventions are the right approach in highly insecure contexts. The evaluation methodology relied on fieldwork in five locations using the Most Significant Change method along with interviews and focus group discussions.
UNICEF: Mindanao, Philippines
Conducted an assessment of the drivers of child recruitment into MILF and the entry points for prevention, followed by a comprehensive mapping of services and economic opportunities in 18 municipalities, surveying almost 1600 respondents and conducting key informant interviews and focus groups. TI consequently drafted the “National Strategy on the Prevention of radicalisation and Recruitment of Young People in the Bangsamoro Communities of Mindanao”, and designed a project document for UNICEF to support the reintegration of 4000 disengaged children, and 2000 other adolescents at risk of recruitment and radicalisation.
US State Department: Yemen
Assisted with the advice and conceptualisation of DDR Issues and possibility of a DDR programme for Yemen in the event of a successful peace process.
IOM: Chad
Designed and conducted a socio-economic mapping of opportunities for youth at risk among IDPs and host communities in the region of Lac. Using questionnaires, structured informal interviews and FGDs 200 registered IDPs, 100 IDPs at risk in teach target locality, 40 market traders and 13 wholesale traders were reached. The consultancy included training of IOM staff members and IOM partners on how to conduct opportunity mapping.
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Tanzania, Ethiopia, Nigeria
Assessed gender capacities of African Chicken Genetic Gains (ACGG) project partners and SNCs, in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Tanzania. TI used the assessment results to design tailor-made capacity development interventions for each country. The African Chicken Genetic Gains is an Africa-wide collaboration led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).
HIS Effect evaluations framework contract
Conducted effect evaluations, in partnership with Femconsult and Transtec has been awarded a five years framework contract by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Chemonics Libya – Consortium
Conducted a workforce development market assessment to design activities which are responsive to the local labour market needs for Libya’s workforce development to develop job opportunities for youth. This was conducted as part of a consortium between Transition International, Voluntas Advisory and Diwan Market.
USAID through Banyan Global: Somalia
Conducted a gender analysis of the economic (sub)sectors targeted by the GEEL programme, and developed a gender strategy for the programme. For this purpose, TI consultants undertook extensive research which included missions to Mogadishu, Somaliland and Puntland, among 423 business owners, entrepreneurs and employees from the banana, sesame, dairy and fish value chains.
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rwanda: DRC
Undertook three years of external monitoring for the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Rwanda’s programme on peace and stabilisation in eastern DRC. The consortium of IOM, Cordaid, PAX VNG-International are implementing the CISPE project, which TI is monitoring and supporting on behalf of the EKN.
Conducted an end-of-project evaluation of UNICEF’s project ‘Reintegration and Rehabilitation of Children affected by Armed Conflict’, to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project, providing lessons learned and recommendations to inform future programming. In addition Most Significant Change (MSC) methodology will be applied to identify the contributions this project made to the broader peacebuilding outcomes of the UN Peace Fund for Nepal.
UNDP: Liberia
Provided a Senior Recovery Advisor to support the Resident Coordinator. TI was involved in the drafting of a preliminary lessons learnt document on the management and coordination of the Ebola response. TI provided advice on the national-level institutional framework for recovery and support the Resident Coordinator in the transition of the United Nations Mission Ebole Emergency Response (UNMEER).
NSRP – British Council: Nigeria
Provided technical support for Knowledge Management and Monitoring & Evaluation of the Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP), implemented by the British Council. Technical support is provided in terms of capacity assesment, revision of logframe indicators, setting up an M & E framework and system and support to knowledge management of the programme among a wide network of organisations.
UNICEF: South Sudan
Developed comprehensive programming tools and approaches on the reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups (CAAFAG) and other children and adolescents affected by the armed conflict. TI identified opportunities for economic reintegration and established a list of best practices. Activities conducted during this project included designing and leading a survey among former CAAFAG and adolescents at risk, analysing the findings in an assessment report, and presenting the recommended course of action in a Programme Approach document.
Terre des Hommes: South Sudan
Provided a capitalisation of the lessons learnt and best practices of the release and reintegration programme of TdH. The overall objective of the capitalisation is four-fold. To gather lessons learned during the first phase of implementation of the project. To document the success stories, best practices. To review TDHs strategic and operational guidance for the planning and implementation of the release and reintegration project (specifically to put its Programmatic Manual in perspective) and finally to provide a publication on the capitalisation.
UNICEF: South Sudan
Designed and implemented the end-of-project evaluation of the YouthLEAD programme in South Sudan. The evaluation focused on collection of lessons learned to identify interventions to incorporate into on-going education, adolescent, and youth programming and used the Most Significant Change (MSC) methodology as well as the more traditional DAC criteria.
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI): Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Nicaragua
Undertook assessment and development of recommendations on gender and capacity development in the LAF value chain sector in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Uganda and Nicaragua.
Chemonics/USAID OTI Libya – LPRD: Libya
Conducted and facilitated two advanced training workshops on Dialogue and Conflict Transformation Leadership for the Libyan Reintegration and Development Programme (LPRD). Additionally TI provided strategic communications support which resulted in the production of ten individual success stories and three videos including testimonies of course graduates.
Chemonics/USAID OTI Libya – LPRD: Libya
Designed several programmes for the Libyan Programme for Reintegration and Development (LPRD) namely:
- The overall Reintegration and Development Programme
- The LPRD Economic Reintegration Programme with the small and medium enterprises “Tumuh”project, vocational training “Qadir” project, and the municipal career centres.
- The LPRD Integration and Disarmament Programme
- The LPRD Civic Empowerment Programme with the leadership project, the civil society project, and the civic awareness project.
- The LPRD Social Reintegration Programme with the psychosocial support project, the getting marries “Mawada” project, and the community activities project.
- The LPRD Education Programme with the higher education “Ifad” project, the English language courses project, and the e-learning project.
Chemonics/USAID OTI Libya -WAC: Libya
Undertook a capacity assessment of the Warriors Affairs Commission (WAC) and transformation of WAC into the Libyan Programme for Reintegration and Development (LPRD). Institutional design and reform process including interviews and replacement of 300 staff, design of business process and procedures and the LPRD Capacity Development plan. TI also organised an international meeting in Tripoli.
World Bank/ LOGiCA: Rwanda
Oversaw of the quantitative and qualitative studies in Rwanda examining family dynamics during the process of reintegration of demobilised ex-combatants, investigating (1) the impact of departure, absence and return of ex-combatants on their families, with a particular focus on spouses; (2) the role of the family in the social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants.
Identified concrete market opportunities for refugees and their host communities, through analysing market dynamics and assessing the supply and demand of prominent goods and services.
Department for International Development (DFID): UK
Drafted a framing paper on prospects for moving to Community Based Reintegration (CBR) in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), based on global and DRC-specific lessons learned.
Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC): DRC
Undertook an external evaluation of the NRC’s Information, Counselling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) programme in DRC.
DFID/Adam Smith International: DRC
Conducted gender and social inclusion (GESI) analyses in the Markets for the Poor (M4P) Private Sector Development programme, focussing on Market System Development, including seven sectoral gender and conflict sensitivity analyses and design of GESI strategy, tools and impact indicators.
Plan Netherlands and the Child Rights Alliance: Global
Provided an independent evaluation of the world-wide GirlPower programme focussing on SGBV, education and the socio-economic empowerment of adolescent girls and young women, being implemented by 80 organisations in 10 countries.
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): Nepal
Provided an independent evaluation of the UN Inter-agency Rehabilitation Programme (UNIRP) in Nepal. The evaluation assessed the relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency as well as the sustainability of the programme in rehabilitating the verified minors and late recruits in Nepal.
Peace Direct: DRC
Designed and delivered a workshop in eastern DRC with local NGOs, UNDP and DFID to assess the impact of current CBR programming in the Kivus, and facilitated the design of three new and innovative models for CBR, which will be piloted.
UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)/UNDP: Afghanistan
Designed the voluntary return and reintegration programme (VRRP) for Afghanistan, focusing on enhancing the sustainable reintegration of refugees returning from Pakistan and Iran. Included participation in a regional meeting in Dubai between the governments of Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan to formulate a “Regional solution strategy for refugees”.
Restless Development: Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania
Provided a mid-term evaluation, including recommendations for the potential scale-up of youth livelihood programmes in Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.
South Sudan Demobilisation and Disarmament Commission (SSDDRC), supported by UNICEF: South Sudan
Designed a new programme document for the release and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Groups (CAAFG) in South Sudan, including field assessments of economic reintegration opportunities for youth.
UNDP: South Sudan
Drafted a new eight-year South Sudan DDR strategy, and a DDR programme for 150,000 former Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) combatants. TI was the main author for the SSDDRC drafting team, which included all DDR stakeholders (SPLA, Government of South Sudan, UNDP, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan (UNMISS)).
UNDP: Sudan
Drafted project documents for Sudan and Darfur, merging DDR and community security projects into the design of an approach called Community Based Reintegration and Security (CBRS).
International Labour Organisation (ILO): Africa
Designed of the Employment for Peace, Stability and Development Strategy for West Africa (ILO-Dakar).
Management for Development Foundation (MDF)/ Netherlands organisation for international cooperation in higher education (NUFFIC): Colombia
Provided an evaluation of a “Training for Reintegration Programme” of the High Commissioner for Reintegration (ACR) of the Presidency of the Republic of Colombia, supported by NUFFIC and implemented in association with MDF.
UNDP: Afghanistan
Undertook a capacity development needs analysis and the drafting of a capacity development strategy for the Afghan Peace and Reintegration Programme (APRP). In addition, TI co-authored the reintegration strategy for Afghanistan and a programme framework for the APRP.
Comic Relief: UK
Evaluated the impact of Comic Relief sponsored global livelihood interventions. The design of a new approach to livelihood development for youth and families, in conflict settings.
Stockholm Policy Group for UNDP: Sudan
Stood as the sub-team leader for a Sudan review and evaluation mission of the DDR programme to Sudan. The evaluation led to the complete redesign of the DDR programme for Sudan.
UNDP: Sudan
Undertook socio-economic opportunity and support services mapping for DDR participants in Northern, Southern, and Western Darfur States.
War Child: UK
Provided an external evaluation of the project “Building a national protective environment for children vulnerable to conflict with the law in Afghanistan through a coordinated civil society action network, in Herat, Afghanistan”.
ILO – IPEC: Global
Undertook an extensive global stocktaking report on the economic reintegration of children. The report provided an overview of the current state of practise in the economic reintegration of CAAFAG and Other Vulnerable Children (OVC) to enhance understanding of the nature of economic reintegration work being undertaken by agencies.
Interkerkelijke Coördinatie Commissie Ontwikkelingshulp (Dutch Interchurch Organisation for Development-cooperation) (ICCO): South Sudan
Undertook an assessment of potential sectors and processes available to facilitate Public-Private Cooperation (PPC) between the Dutch and South Sudan government, the Dutch and Sudanese private sector and NGOs, in order to foster pro-poor economic growth in the fragile context of South Sudan.
ILO: Sri Lanka
Designed a reintegration programme for highly vulnerable groups in Northern Sri Lanka including Internally Displaced People (IDPs), returnees and ex-combatants. This was followed by the development of fully fledged project document.
UNDP: Central African Republic
Undertook opportunity mapping for reintegration including the following five assessments 1) Profiles of ex-combatants (Qualitative sample); 2) Economic opportunities for reintegration in the areas of settlement; 3) Availability of relevant services; 4) Attitudes towards reintegration in the receiving communities and 5) Gender dynamics in reintegration.
Diageo Foundation: DRC
Undertook a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assessment of the technical and financial capacities of local NGOs in Kinshasa working on water provision to make recommendations for Diageo, a leading premium drinks business, to fund the water projects of these organisations.
International Organisation for Migration (IOM): Aceh
Reviewed current understandings of the dynamics of post-conflict transition, including analyses of the ways in which post-conflict dynamics affect prospects for sustainable economic development. The review advocated dialogue between stakeholders to develop harmonised strategies for addressing the remaining needs of conflict affected areas and groups, and to develop strategies for transitioning from short-term post-conflict interventions to longer-term strategies for sustainable peace-building.
Oxfam Novib and partners such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Netherlands: DRC
Reviewed the DDR approach in DRC and the design of a strategy for a more CBR approach which can be implemented as a national programme.
UK Stabilisation Unit (DFID, Ministry Of Defence (MOD) and Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
Provided a Private Sector Development Consultant for five months to assist the Stabilisation Unit and UK government to develop their knowledge of effective implementation of Private Sector Development (PSD) projects in a stabilisation context. This included advice on measures to prevent corruption, public-private partnerships, the role of other non-state providers, risk management, access to markets, access to financial services, conflict sensitivity and equity, and making the transition from a war economy. The assignment included promotion across Whitehall of the role of the private sector in the recovery from conflict and the co-authoring of an Economic Recovery Stabilisation Issues Note.
ILO/UNDP: Liberia
Designed a new reintegration framework for the National Commission on DDR in Liberia.
ICCO: Worldwide
Undertook a baseline assessment of ICCO’s contribution to conflict transformation in its programmes worldwide. The assessment comprised a file review and field visits to Uganda and the Middle East, including an assessment of the positive role of religion in conflict transformation.
UNDP: Nigeria
Designed a project document on The Niger Delta Job Creation and Conflict Resolution Preventive Initiative. The programme was funded by SHELL COMPANY through the UNDP.
Academic Associates Peace Works (AAPW): Nigeria
Designed the Niger Delta Job Creation and Conflict Resolution Prevention Initiative, a UNDP-funded project implemented by AAPW, in collaboration with the Delta, Bayelsa and Rivers State Governments. TI designed of four multipurpose community centres, intended to engage Niger Delta militant youth groups in a constructive manner, reorienting and retraining them for productive employment and positive roles in society.
Developed a strategy and system for continuous reintegration opportunities and support services, and DDR mapping in Sudan and South Sudan. This included case studies, the establishment of a database and research team training. The assignment also involved strengthening the capacity of national actors trough training and joint implementation, to undertake opportunity mapping and to ensure regular updates.
UNICEF: Liberia
Designed and delivered training to trainers in business development skills in order to create a pool of business councilors, to support the economic reintegration of children and youth associated with fighting forces, and the development of a manual on business training for youth.
ILO: Jakarta
Advised the ILO Office of Jakarta on ILO’s specific roles and possible contributions to the process of Reintegration of ex-Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (GAM, Indonesian Free Aceh Movement) combatants. TI also informed relevant national and provincial authorities of the Indonesian government on specific strategies and relevant tools to enhance the economic and social dimension of the reintegration process of Ex-GAM combatants. Advice was given to ILO/Jakarta on potential partnerships with other relevant international actors on the DDR process. Furthermore, TI developed a technical concept note on the possible roles and trends for an eventual ILO participation on this process. Lastly, TI developed a Technical concept note to be shared with national authorities and international partners on critical characteristics and conditions to facilitate an appropriate process of socio-economic reintegration.
UNDP: Haiti
Undertook opportunity mapping and training needs assessment for the reintegration of armed youth, including training and capacity building of local staff on socio-economic reintegration, participatory assessment techniques and continuous opportunity mapping for DDR.
ILO & UNICEF: Liberia
Undertook labour market and skills training assessment in Liberia to map reintegration opportunities for children associated with fighting forces.
Undertook secondment to UNHCR to revise three manuals on Repatriation & Reintegration, Self-reliance and Quick Impact Projects.