Irma Specht designed four concept notes to operationalise the new national DDRCS strategy, namely on vocational training, opportunity mapping, gender responsiveness and entry points for UNDP programming in support of P-DDRCCS.
UNICEF: Democratic Republic of Congo
Irma Specht, the director of TI, designed and led large programmatic research to review and identify promising reintegration approaches for young people, based on feedback and experience of children who left armed groups and forces (CAFAAG). She led 40 researchers in a study to find back 3000 children formally associated with armed groups since 2005. The study included a control group of 1500 youth, who never joined, and Government, UNICEF, NGO staff and local leaders that have supported them.
Conducted a conflict analysis and produced eight thematic guidance notes on conflict-sensitivity. The main objective was to produce evidence based and context driven guidance on conflict sensitive programming along the Humanitarian, Development and Peace (HDP) nexus in the DRC. The eight guidance notes provide recommendations on how to operationalise conflict sensitivity into the collective outcomes under the HDP nexus, on both working in conflict, as well as working on conflict.
FBA: Ukraine
Undertook the mapping of veteran reintegration challenges and opportunities in Ukraine, to identify the main factors challenging and impeding, but also facilitating the reintegration of male and female veterans returning to their, or other, communities.
PDF available here
UNDP: Mauritania
Conducted a conflict analyses and designed concept notes to inform PBF funding and EU funding.
Conducted two context and conflict analyses, one on the Greater Kasai Region and one on Tanganyika, which aimed to focus on self-demobilised or surrendered combatants and scoping for peacebuilding in their wider communities.
Conducted a study among 850 children and stakeholders across Kurdistan, Central and South Iraq, entitled “Assessment of the push and pull factors of child association with armed groups in Iraq, opportunities and capacities to support reintegration and prevention”. Consequently, TI developed a strategy document “Children and Youth in Iraq: Strategy for the reintegration of children and young people associated with armed actors and the prevention of recruitment” to support children currently associated with armed actors who may be released or leave on their own, and the prevention of recruitment. TI further assisted UNICEF in consulting with the highest level religious leaders, who had issued a Fatwa that all Iraqis should help in fighting ISIS. After a follow-up support mission conducted, TI is now in its last stages to negotiate a contract to assist UNICEF in the implementation of the strategy.
International Alert: The Democratic Republic of Congo – Tujenge Pamoja
Conducted a baseline study of the ‘tujenge pamoja kwa ajili ya amani’ project (Construisons ensemble pour la paix!) implemented by International Alert and nine local partners in South Kivu, DRC. This baseline study was done through a transversal descriptive study.
Save the Children: Venezuela & Colombia
Developed a study that identifies and analyses key trends, current dynamics and likely evolutions (with a one-year outlook) of the migrant crisis in Latin America, originated from Venezuela and impacting Colombia and other neighbouring countries. The study will adopt a regional perspective and places emphasis on the impact that it is having on children, especially regarding non-accompanied children and their protection needs.
OXFAM: South Sudan
Undertook a research assignment that had the objective of enhancing the understanding of what ‘toxic masculinity’ means, how it is perpetuated in Pibor, South Sudan, while exploring the localised root causes of toxic or harmful masculinities that perpetuate the prevalence of GBV. Furthermore, its aim was to deepen understanding on the contextual analysis on the cause and effect-aspects of harmful masculinities that fuel GBV, strengthen the evidence-base in order to reduce prevalence of GBV cases by engaging men in awareness-raising session and community dialogues.
UNDP: Syria
Conducted research for UNDP on how Syrian returnees, IDPs as well as refugees, can be reintegrated in their place of origin, especially focusing on aspects of community security, livelihoods and social factors. Following the research, TI will produce an analytical report on the conditions inside the country with a specific focus on the governorates where returns are to be expected. TI will develop recommendations of action for UNDP and other UN agencies. Integrating conflict sensitivity in its work, the report will dedicate particular attention to potential issues that may generate social tensions. It is envisaged that the analytical report will be one of thematic assessment reports covering nationwide issues in Syria.
Evaluation of the governance of national SDG implementation in the Netherlands.
Conducted an evaluation of the steering of SDG implementation in the Netherlands, commissioned by the SDG coordination team at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Read the full report here
UNDP: Sudan
Conducted, in collaboration with SUDIA, an evaluation of UNDP’s five year’s Community Security and Stabilisation (C2SP) programme.
Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Netherlands
Conducted an evaluation of the Dutch national SDG implementation, with a focus on the governance structure and collaboration between stakeholders.
Mercy Corps: Jordan
Designed and undertook research to provide forward-looking analysis and projections informed by careful ethnographic and political analysis to inform the P/CVE community in Jordan, particularly foreign donors and international and domestic organisations, on the context for impactful, strategically aware work to reduce vulnerability of Jordanian youth to non-state and violent extremist groups. Considering the changing regional context, in particular in Iraq and Syria, and the related possible return of fighters, this study analysed former fighters’ attitudes and perceptions on their situation and their possible return to Jordan. It also examined the reintegration of former fighters into the community, the roles of returning fighters in society, and the relevant policies and strategies in place.
Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue: DDR Ukraine
Produced a scoping paper for the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) to assess the prospects of Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) in Ukraine. In order to provide a better understanding of DDR prospects in Ukraine TI presented international best practise and guidance on DDR, complemented by interviews with several international and Ukrainian key informants. This, combined with relevant literature and case studies of previous DDR programmes, allowed to explore different perceptions on how DDR could be implemented in Ukraine including, what agreements and assessments would need to be in place, who the beneficiaries of DDR would be, who might pay for it as well as reflections on reintegration of former combatants in Ukraine.
Folke Bernadotte Academy: The Democratic Republic of Congo
Undertook a detailed mapping of the socio-economic and political context of five pilot localities in North Kivu. The results of this mapping are intended to inform future Community-Based Reintegration (CBR) and Community Violence Reduction (CVR) programming. The mapping seeks to identify the main factors that either could, or currently do, facilitate or hinder the reintegration of male and female ex-combatants (XCs), Children Associated with Armed Groups (CAAG) and Women Associated with Armed Groups (WAAG). The mapping identifies potential entry points to successful reintegration, profiles active armed group members, youth at risk of recruitment and reinstalled people; and identifies ways to prevent future (re)recruitment. In total, 1,340 respondents from Biiri, Kibabi, and Matanda in Masisi Territory and the two Goma neighbourhoods of Ndosho and Bujovu contributed to this mapping.
International Alert: The Democratic Republic of Congo
Conducted a final evaluation of International Alert’s Tushiriki Wote project. The evaluation team assessed the impact of the project, as well as its contribution to strengthening the civic, political and economic empowerment of women in Eastern DRC and the wider Great Lakes region.
War Child: Central African Republic
Assessed War Child UK’s approach to DDR for children in the Central African Republic. For this comprehensive study, TI evaluated War Child’s achievements and approach to different aspects of child DDR, the linkages to CVR and adult DDR and providing a comparative analysis between the War Child approach and other child DDR approaches worldwide. The objective was to learn and improve their programmes.
Peace Nexus Foundation/ UN Inter-Agency Network for Youth Development’s Sub Working Group on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding
Drafted the section on Youth and Economy for the global Practice Note on Young People’s Participation in Peace building. The section presents some examples of effective interventions in the field of youth-led economic strengthening, combining training and work with access to formal education and early engagement of youth at risk in order to stabilise communities.
UNDP: Nepal
Provided a senior advisor to support the Resident Coordinator in the formulation and oversight of the “UN Support to Nepal’s Transition” Strategy. Building on the outputs of earlier RC Support missions, TI finalised the Transition Strategy, facilitated internal meetings and workshops, supported UNDP’s structural alignment to the strategy, co-located UNDP and RCO field offices and implemented the Donor Protocol.
UNICEF: South Sudan
Assisted the UNICEF South Sudan Country Office to develop evidence-informed programmatic strategies for addressing children’s and adolescents’ involvement in armed violence and outlined technical support in monitoring the efficacy of the reintegration assistance programme for children released from armed groups.
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Conducted a broad literature research and study on inclusive growth in fragile states and contexts. The paper provided new insights and indicators of measures that are of particular importance in fragile areas.
National Defence Institute of Portugal
Irma Specht wrote a chapter on Gender DDR and masculinities for the publication of the international seminar on Gender based Violence in Armed Conflict.
Accord 23 – Consolidating peace
Undertook research among youth in Liberia and Sierra Leone, leading to the published article: “Work not war: Youth transformation in Liberia & Sierra Leone” by Ibrahim Bangura and Irma Specht
United National Office for West Africa (UNOWA)
Conducted a study for the UN to assess the link between youth unemployment and conflict in seven West African countries, including a practical, regional approach to youth unemployment in West Africa.
Norwegian Defence International Centre (NODEFIC)
Prepared and published a manual on socio-economic profiling and opportunity mapping in preparation for DDR.
Contributed to the codification of best practices in migration and development by conducting research among organisations supported within the EC-UN Joint Migration and Development Initiative (JMDI). The lessons learned will be condensed into a handbook for small-scale practitioners in migration and development.
Comic Relief (UK)
Conducted a literature review for Comic Relief, including an overview of international lessons learnt, an impact assessment of Comic Relief funded projects and recommendations to improve its interventions, definition and approach.
UNDP: Nepal
Provided several rounds of inputs to the revision of a module on socio-economic reintegration of the Integrated DDR Standards (IDDRS).
Transition International, Nepal: Research on potential for reintegration of female combatants in Nepal. Research was conducted in cantonment sites and communities.
International Centre for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), New York
Provided a chapter on DDR, Transitional Justice and the Reintegration of Former Child Combatants in the book: Anna Cutter Patel, Pablo de Greiff & Lars Waldorf (2009). Disarming the past. Transitional Justice and Ex-Combatants. New York : Social Science Research Council.
ILO-InFocus Programme on Crisis response and Reconstruction
Drafted a guide on the socio-economic reintegration of ex-combatants.
ILO-InFocus Programme on Crisis response and Reconstruction (ILO IFP/CRISIS)
Provided input to the UN’s interagency DDR standards (IDDRS), particularly on socio-economic reintegration and drafting of the Youth Module.
United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA)
Conducted a study on youth unemployment in West Africa to devise a practical and concerted regional approach to the issue.
Clingendael Conflict Research Unit (CRU)
Provided inputs into the policy paper “Gender and Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration”, a document on the building blocks for gender issues and DDR.
UNDP and The South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SEESAC)
Provided a strategic overview of armed violence data collection and analysis mechanisms (in South Eastern Europe). The report identified the mechanisms that presently exist in the countries and territories for gathering data on armed violence; examined whether they currently make a coherent contribution to policies and projects; and provided analysis of the requirements for improving present systems to increase their potential role in informing evidence-based policies, initiatives and operations.
Safer world: Sri Lanka
Supplied the lead researcher for the project: ‘Pilot small arms and light weapons survey: Hambantota District, Sri Lanka’, at the request of the Government of Sri Lanka. The project was funded by the UN Department for Disarmament Affairs/UN Department for Economic and Social Affairs.
ILO /United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) /UNDP: Liberia
Developed and managed an in-depth qualitative research programme on girl-combatants in Liberia. This research resulted in the publication “Red shoes: experiences of girl-combatants in Liberia”.
UN Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR)
Provided drafting of the document “Children and Armed Conflict: The Response by the EU”. Background paper Humanitarian Perspectives to Small Arms and Explosive Remnants of War for the UNIDIR project: ‘European Action on Small Arms, Light Weapons and Explosive Remnants of War’.