• Training

Transition International is a certified training provider registered at CRKBO

Transition International is a certified training provider registered at CRKBO

(Re)integration Specialised Training Course

This is an annual training course which brings together practitioners, policy makers, researchers and donors from around the world to share experiences and develop a common understanding of possible and innovative approaches to (re)integration. Best practice on economic, political and social (re)integration are shared by a pool of experienced trainers, and further explored and challenged by the participants.The course promotes integrated (re)integration approaches for ex-combatants, children formally associated with armed forces and groups, returnees, resettled people, youth at risk and other conflict-affected populations.

For more information on this year’s course, please see Training Opportunities

Conflict Analysis & Conflict Sensitivity Programming – Module I

This annual five-day residential course is organised by Helsinki España in participation with TI. The course trains participants in conflict analysis and conflict-sensitive programming tools. This approach requires a deep understanding of the actors of the conflict, as well as the two-way interaction between an intervention and the context.

For more information on this year’s course, please see Training Opportunities


Irma Specht and Luc Lafrenière designed and delivered four one-week trainings on Pillar three of the national strategy on Disarmament, Demobilisation, Community Recovery and Stabilisation. The training operationalised the community based reintegration approach. 150 P-DDRCS staff were trained in Kinshasa, Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu.

Folke Bernadotte Academy: Barcelona and Stockholm

Delivered the core modules on socio-economic reintegration for the senior/middle-management annual course on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration.

Dutch Defense College: The Netherlands

Delivery of annual training on introduction to DDR, in the Staff Officers Course Africa (SOCA).

The Hague Academy for local governance: The Netherlands

Delivery of annual training sessions in several courses including on, Local Economic and Social Development (LESD), LED in Conflict, Gender in Conflict and Peacebuilding, Community Based Reintegration, Community Driven Development, and Social Cohesion.

KAIPTC: DDR foundation course

Provided the lead trainer for the DDR Foundation Course by the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Ghana in February, 2023.

FBA and The CCCPA: DDR and Youth Peace and Security pilot course

Designed and co-delivered several modules for the Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA) – in partnership with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) of Sweden –, who have conducted the pilot training course on “Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) and Youth: A Practitioner’s Guide on How to Include Youth in DDR and other Security Transitions in a Meaningful Way.” The training took place in Cairo and brought together a diverse group of participants from 17 nationalities. TI 

CCMR: Reintegration of Ex-combatants & Violent Extremists

Provided an overview of the various approaches for dealing with ex-combatants, from integration into the national security apparatus, to economic and social reintegration, de-radicalization approaches, Community Based Reintegration and Security (CBRS) and (transitional) justice processes. This course was organised by the Center for Civil-Military Relations (CCMR) at the Naval Postgraduate School, in collaboration with Transition International.

UNESCO: HDP triple nexus training

Designed and provided a 3-day training on the Humanitarian, Development and Peace triple Nexus, and conflict sensitivity. HQ and field office staff engaged in adult learning techniques, mixing knowledge sharing with exercises, presentations, case studies and the design of take-home plans.

UNESCO: DDR training

Designed and provided a 3-day training in Paris to UNESCO HQ and global staff on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR), and exploring strategic entry points for UNICEF in DDR processes.

UNDP/BINUH: DDR-CVR Training Workshop

Designed and provided training to the members of the National DDR Commission in Haiti, followed by the drafting of a new National and Community Violence Reduction strategy aiming to address gang-related violence and the proliferation of small arms and light weapons across the country (UNDP/BINUH – Haiti).

The Hague Academy for Local Governance: LESD training

Designed and delivered a module on Local Economic and Social development (LESD) in conflict and fragile countries.

Folke Bernadotte Academy: Course on Reintegration for the UN Mission in Colombia

Conducted this course aimed at identifying fundamental elements of the Integrated DDR Standards with emphasis on reintegration, to familiarise themselves with current discussions related to community-based reintegration and reintegration and community security, taking into account the UNVMC mandate. Its objective was to identify international cases of reintegration support with emphasis on verification tasks, including related challenges and lessons learned, to familiarise themselves with verification methodologies and understand the roles played by missions, agencies and the international community in general and to adapt the international experience in this area to the key elements of the Colombian process.

UNAOC: RBO training

Conducted a 5-day training course for UNOAC in New York with the intention to strengthen staff capabilities to manage projects along principles of results-based management, as well as fund raising, writing proposals and donor relations.

The Hague Academy for Local Governance and TI: Joint course on Conflict, Rule of Law & Local Security

Designed and delivered, together with The Hague academy, a new joint course on Conflict, Rule of Law & Local Security which explores how to increase community security in countries or regions where security is weak as a result of past or ongoing violent conflict. TI delivered several modules and designed and implemented a simulation exercise of one day.

Folke Bernadotte Academy: Exercise Viking 18

Trained and educated participants – civilian, military and police – to meet the challenges of current and future multidimensional crisis response and peace operations. This included planning and conducting a UN mandated Chapter VII peace operation in an unstable environment, based on a comprehensive approach and focusing on co-operation and co-ordination between all relevant actors.

Conference on land conflicts in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

Organised and facilitated a conference on land conflicts in Eastern DRC which was held in Goma in March 2019. About 150 high level experts and actors met to take stock and analyse the wide range of land conflicts, evaluate current interventions and identify gaps and needs for comprehensively addressing land related issues. The conference was planned by three committees consisting of high-level stakeholders such as academics from the DRC, Netherlands and Belgium, central, provincial and local Government representatives, INGOs and UN agencies. TI facilitated the work of these committees as well as facilitated and took on the logistical organisation of the conference in Goma in 2019.

To coordinate and decide on the content of the conference, a pre-conference was held in Wageningen between the 12th and 17th November 2018. This pre-conference brought together members of the Scientific and Organising Committees and the decisions on the content of the conference were studied and finalised to satisfy all the stakeholders.

PATRIR: DDR training

Conducted Patrir assignment, a DDR training for 15 Syrian trainees in Beirut, followed by an 8 months coaching phase supporting the candidates to implement community driven DDR initiatives in Syria.

Finnish Defence Forces International Centre (FINCENT): POC course

Supported FINCENT’s Protection of Civilians course held in Kigali Rwanda for the African Standby Force, a multidisciplinary peacekeeping force with military, police and civilian contingents. TI provided training on Protection of Civilians, International Organisation’s and Peace and Security, Legal Aspects of Peacekeeping and Human Rights.

Swedish Armed Forces International Centre (SWEDINT): training on legal aspects of peacekeeping

Led the provision of training on legal aspects of peacekeeping organised by the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre (SWEDINT) for civilians and military offers to be deployed to UN led peace support missions. The courses held at SWEDINT‘s headquarters in Stockholm included topics on the UN Charter and the Maintenance of Peace and Security, Human Rights, the Rule of Law, Protection of Civilians, Rules of Engagement and the UN Code of Conduct with emphasis on the prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse.

VNG International: Gender training

Developed and facilitated a three-day gender training workshop for local government officials in Somaliland. The training was aimed at introducing local governments to basic concepts of gender and gender equality and also to equip the LGs to develop gender mainstreaming plans in their areas of work.

VNG International: South Sudan

Developed and facilitated a similar, as above, gender training workshop for local government officials and representatives of water management committees in Kapoeta State in South Sudan in November 2017. As the educational level of participants was much lower than in Somaliland, this training was much more “hands-on” and practically oriented towards the current situation in South Sudan.

Swedish Armed Forces International Centre: pre-deployment training

Provided interactive pre-deployment training to police, military and civilian peacekeepers in a UN accredited course organized by the Swedish Armed Forces International Centre. Topics included the UN Charter, human rights, rule of law and protection of civilians. Also trained uniformed personnel on civil-military relations, ethical conduct, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse and the rules of engagement in a UN PKO.

Folke Bernadotte Academy: CBR training

Co-designed a workshop on Community Based Reintegration (CBR) in Goma. The general objective of the workshop was to build capacity of national actors on the CBR approach and to provide an introduction into the broader concept of Community Based Reintegration and Security.

UNICEF: Child protection and CAAFAG training

Designed and delivered training for UNICEF child protection professionals in South Sudan, to equip them with knowledge and skills to enable them to adapt child protection approaches to support Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups.

World Bank: workshop on Community Based Normalisation

Designed and co-implemented with the WB a workshop on Community Based Normalisation in the Philippines. The specific objective was to share international experience on community based reintegration models, with a focus on Information, Counselling, and Referral Systems (ICRS) and to facilitate the relevant stakeholders to adapt this to the Bangsamoro context and existing structures. As a consequence of this collaboration TI has drafted an adapted programme approach document in collaboration with representatives of the Government of the Philippines, MILF, World Bank, and other stakeholders.

IOM: training on release and reintegration processes for children and adolescents

Conducted a technical workshop on release and reintegration processes for children and adolescents, in Colombia. This was attended by international and national experts on the process of release and reintegration of children and adolescents recruited by different forces and /or armed groups with the aim of exchanging experiences and lessons learned.

M&C Saatchi: communication training

Provided inputs during working sessions, as well as on-demand support on the communication strategy for the Libyan Programme for Reintegration and Development (LPRD), held in Istanbul.

EEAS/EU: DDR training

Attended the EEAS Seminar and conducted a training on DDR in the work of the European Union.

Chemonics/USAID Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI): Libya

Designed and delivered eight three-day workshops for Thuwar leaders (commanders) for the WAC, Libya. Training focussed on conflict resolution, facilitation of dialogue, conflict transformation and civilian leadership.

UNDP & Sudan DDR Commission: Sudan

Designed and delivered two training workshops on Community Based Reintegration and Security (CBRS) for the Sudan DDR Commission and relevant UNDP stakeholders.

Oxfam Novib: South Sudan & Great Lakes

Provided a training on conflict sensitive programming in South Sudan and the Great Lakes region.

The Netherlands Defense Academy, The Hague

Designed and delivered a module on ‘Gender in operations’.

UNHCR: Afghanistan

Designed and delivered a training workshop on livelihood promotion in Afghanistan, in the framework of the joint UNDP/UNHCR Return Programme.

South Sudan DDR Commission supported by UNICEF: South Sudan

Designed and implemented a training course on economic reintegration of children, for SSDDRC staff, UNICEF and implementing partners of the DDR programme in South Sudan

UNDP: South Sudan

Designed and delivered a 140-participant, multi-stakeholder workshop in South Sudan (followed by the development of a five-year DDR strategic plan).

Norwegian Defence International Centre (NODEFIC)

Provided annual inputs to the DDR planners course with the design and delivery of modules on socio-economic profiling and opportunity mapping for the DDR planning course.

Click here to download the publication on Opportunity Mapping

UNDP and NODEFIC: Norway

Designed and delivered two modules in the new Gender and DDR course in Oslo.

UNDP: Sudan

Designed and delivered a four-day training workshop (twice) on socio-economic reintegration in Sudan, and a three-day training on counselling and referral for caseworkers in Sudan. Participants included UNDP, UNAMID and North and South DDR Commission staff.

Stabilisation Unit for DPKO

Delivered a one day workshop on the formulation of Gender indicators for DPKO gender experts from around the world during their annual meeting.

International Alert/EU

Provided a training session on economic reintegration at International Alert’s round table for EU staff on “Socio-economic reintegration of ex-combatants – challenges and opportunities for enhancing human security”.


Designed a training module on the “Release and DDR of Children”, including a PowerPoint Presentation, speakers notes and  exercises.

ICCO and Kerk in Actie

Conducted a series of training workshops on “Conflict Analysis for Conflict Transformation (CT)” designed and delivered in Uganda, DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, and Afghanistan to ICCO & Kerk in Actie partners (NGOs). The end result was a shared conflict analysis forming the basis for programme development in CT in the different conflict zones. Consequently, workshops on CT were designed using the theory of change to develop a common vision and strategy for CT. Finally a series of workshops were delivered in which an actual programme for CT was designed.

ICCO and Kerk in Actie: Afganistan

Designed a research guide for Afghan NGOs to effectively conduct participatory programme design approaches based upon assessments at the grassroots level.

Peaceworkers UK

Provided the course director for the EU DDR course on the reintegration of ex-combatants. This entailed the design and development of the complete curriculum for a new pilot course on socio-economic reintegration as part of the EC project on training for civilian aspects of crisis management.

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna

Delivered two lectures during the “Training Course for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management” (an EU-UN course). Lectures included: Context of Reintegration; Strategy Options for Reintegration; (Re)integration of Children and Youth; and Components of a Reintegration Programme.

Zentrum für Internationale Friedenseinsätze (ZIF)

Designed and delivered a module on socio-economic reintegration for a training course on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration. The course was jointly organized by the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) and Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC).

Université libre de Bruxelles, Pôle Bernheim d’Etudes sur la Paix et la Citoyenneté, Réseau d’Etudes en Politique Internationale

Provided a presentation on the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Girl Ex-Combatants at the “Women and Conflict Conference: Gender Perspectives on Peace and War”, held in Brussels.

Scuola Sant’Anna: Pisa, Italy

Designed and delivered a module on socio-economic strategies for the reintegration of ex-combatants, at an EU – UN training course on Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR),

Bonn International Centre for Conversion (BICC): Germany

Contributed to the Training and Education on Small Arms (TRESA) project in 2006, by designing training modules on Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants, as well as Small Arms and Youth.

PDF available here

Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP): Switzerland

Provided a presentation on “child warriors” for military officers and civil servants from the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs, from North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and several Mediterranean countries at their International Training Course in Security Policy.

International Training Centre: Budapest

Provided a presentation for the International training course in security policy, as part of an EC training project on civilian aspects of crisis management. TI delivered a lecture on gender issues to military officers and civil servants from the Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs, NATO and several Mediterranean countries.

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