• Training Opportunities

Specialised Re(Integration) Training Course

This course aims to bring together senior and mid-level practitioners, policy makers, researchers and donors from around the world to share experiences and develop a common understanding of possible and innovative approaches to (re)integration. Best practice on economic, political and social (re)integration are shared by a pool of experienced trainers, and further explored and challenged by the participants. This course is organised together with the Barcelona International Peace Center (BIPC) and will be held in Barcelona, Spain, the 6th to the 13th december 2024.

More information and course announcement available here

Application form available here

Conflict Analysis & Conflict Sensitivity Programming – Module I

This five-day residential course is organised by Helsinki España in participation with TI. The course trains participants in conflict analysis and conflict-sensitive programming tools. This approach requires a deep understanding of the actors of the conflict, as well as the two-way interaction between an intervention and the context. This course will be held in Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, Spain, the 27th to the 31st of May, 2024

More information here

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