• Partnerships

Framework contracts

EU framework

TI, as part of different consortia, has been awarded six new framework contracts for EU’s external action (FWC SEA 2023). The contracts relate to the following areas

  • Climate change, sustainable energy, nuclear safety (Consortium lead: Cowater)
  • Food systems, sustainable agriculture and nutrition (Consortium lead: Cowater)
  • Democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality and human rights-based approach (Consortium lead: IBF)
  • Civil society and local authorities (Consortium lead: WEglobal)
  • Security, conflict prevention, sustaining peace and building resilience (Consortium lead: IBF)
  • Migration and forced displacement (Consortium lead: WEglobal)

HIS framework (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

TI, as consortium lead, has a framework agreement with the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for services related to evaluations and production of reports in relation to its policy fields of development cooperation, European collaboration, foreign policy, consular affairs and international trade. On this lot, TI works together with consortium partner Cowater.

RVO (Netherlands Enterprise Agency)

TI, as consortium lead, has a framework agreement with the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy for evaluations of international programmes of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (government agency). On this lot, TI works together with consortium partner Cowater.

FBA (Folke Bernadotte Academy)

TI is in a framework agreement with the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA), the Swedish government agency for peace, security and development, for senior consultancy services to support planning and implementation of Disarmament Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) related activities.

TI is also part of a framework agreement for consultancy support to FBAs work in Ukraine.

Other partners

BINA Business Incubator

BINA BUSINESS INCUBATOR aims to empower entrepreneurs and SMEs, launch their business ideas and projects through mentoring, coaching and eventually matching them up with investors and funding institutions in Turkey, Libya, Somalia, Mauritania. With technology pioneering being our main focus we provide our incubated startups and SMEs with appropriate and latest technology facilities, means to kickstart their projects and also proficient and qualified international accredited BINA experts. For the last 5 years, BINA has been serving youth in fragile communities to better equip them with business skills and resources needed to create jobs and improve their economic standing.

Insight Source Centre (ISC)

Insight Source Centre (ISC) is a Yemen based consultancy firm with main mandates of supporting local CSOs, INGOs and UN agencies on providing best consultancy services that are related to capacity building, research, field studies, spot checks, micro assessments, MEAL and other core issues. ISC prides itself for being a developmental centre created by a nucleus of local experts and consultants with extensive experience and deep accumulated knowledge of the developmental and humanitarian actors, along with the trends of rural development in Yemen.

Sudanese Development Initiative (SUDIA)

The Sudanese Development Initiative (SUDIA) is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. SUDIA works with a broad cross-section of actors and stakeholders developing programmes and providing services that centre around peacebuilding and community security, natural resource management and environmental conservation, democracy and human rights promotion. SUDIA works closely with a wide base of institutions from civil society, the private sector, and government, developing programs and projects that sustain and reinforce peace and development, support the country, and help the Sudanese people achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

African Center for Governance Peace and Transition Studies (AcoGaps)

The African Center for Governance, Peace and Transition Studies is a Sudanese civil society organization registered in the Sudanese Humanitarian Aid Commission (HAC) since 2019. Areas of expertise include: good governance, peace-making and peace-building, prevention of conflicts and disasters, Human rights & protection of civilians, youth & women empowerment, combating violent extremism and terrorism, issues of irregular migration & human trafficking, and support for transformation from fragility to immunity and self-reliance. The center provides knowledge, training, capacity& building, consultancy, and technical support to key actors from national institutions, private sector, and civil society, as well as partners from international and regional organizations in order to achieve successful transparent, comprehensive and sustainable transition.

Nextier SPD

Nextier SPD is a Nigeria based consultancy firm with competencies in conducting evidenced-based policy and social research; conflict and post-conflict reconstruction; community development and empowerment; monitoring, evaluation, and learning; security sector reform and governance, early warning, and disaster management; empowerment, accountability, and gender; environment and climate change; governance and democratization; peacebuilding and peace education, and resource conflicts and governance.


RAAGSAN is a female-led social enterprise providing strategic and analytical consulting services across Somalia. RAAGSAN is an established knowledge hub with a pool of researchers and tech-savvy youths, delivering context-driven research in Somalia and Somaliland.

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